Exploring Hashnode: Random Reflections


1 min read

I will keep my post as brief as possible, avoiding unnecessary details. I prefer to share my thoughts concisely and directly.

I've recently been exploring LinkedIn as a passive user, to understand the value the value professionals derive from the platform.

One of my biggest frustrations is the constant referrals to Medium.com articles. While some of these articles are interesting and insightful, Medium.com's persistent prompts to become a "paid member" are quite annoying.

After sharing my experience with Medium.com, I was referred to Hashnode.com. I immediately became interested in how it works. This post is my attempt to test and experience it in practice.

I plan to post a few random short articles until I form an opinion about `hashnode`. So far, I like the UI, UX, and simplicity. Later, I will try some advanced features. Once I have more thoughts and opinions, I will provide my feedback.